Copyright : A. Rosenfeld
Nausicaá, National Sea Centre in France, will host the third conference of the MARINA project on 12th March 2019.
The overall aim of the MARINA conference and project is to stimulate the debate on marine challenges in the RRI community, encourage scientists and societal actors to work together during the whole research and innovation process with a common goal of aligning both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society, and ensuring that marine resources are managed in a sustainable way.
The concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is part of the Europe 2020 strategy. It promotes a stronger collaboration across disciplines and among scientists, industry, citizens and policy makers in order to enhance the role of society in dealing with current challenges and to make sure that the needs of citizens are integrated in research and innovation.
Responsible Research and Innovation are characterised by the following dimensions :

The Blue Society is an informed, “ocean-literate” society that benefits from marine vast resources while preserving their environmental integrity and functioning. It relies on Blue Growth and sustainable governance of the Ocean, a global common, collectively managed across sectors and borders. Education, the effective enforcement of policies, science-informed action and the development of cross-sector partnerships are its key components.
Participants of the conference are expected to contribute to the debate by submitting papers that describe experience, case studies, outcomes of projects or research activities related to the marine domain and where the implementation of the RRI or Blue Society concepts made a difference in the impact on the research, innovation and European society.
In particular, the conference will assemble and highlight case studies and good practice in a portfolio of innovative approaches to using and managing marine resources and services in a way that is based on the RRI dimensions.
Specific themes of interest include but are not limited to:
Tourism and coastal cities
Pollution caused by human and sea pressures
Fisheries and aquaculture
Renewable energy (wave, wind, tidal)
Marine changes caused by climate change
Marine biotechnologies
Sea transportation
Deep sea mining
Ocean literacy and education
Submissions will be made online in PDF format, and uploaded on the Easychair system. The submitted paper will be at most 10 single-space printed pages. Please use MS Word to generate your PDF.
Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors will answer all reviewer inquiries and comments with evidence and arguments.
Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to marine science and Responsible Research and Innovation. At least one author will attend the conference to present the paper.
The Conference Proceedings will be submitted to IGI Global international publisher.

Advisory Chairs :
Giuseppe Borsalino, European Commission, Belgium
Zakaria Benameur, Research Executive Agency, European Commission, Belgium
Ana Isabel da Silva Araújo Simões, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Maria Paula Diogo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Ana Noronha, Ciência Viva, Portugal
Adrian Slob, TNO, Netherlands
Nina Zugic, United Kingdom
Conference Chairs :
Fernando Ferri, CNR, Italy
Sasa Raicevich, ISPRA, Italy
Philippe Vallette, Nausicaá, France
Programme Chairs :
Husne Altiok, Istanbul University, Turkey
Hans Thor Andersen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Christine Causse, Nausicaá, France
Patrizia Grifoni, CNR, Italy
Yiannis Laouris, CNTI, Cyprus
Cecilia Silvestri, ISPRA, Italy
Science Communication Chairs :
Manuel Cira, ROM WON, Belgium
Iwona Gin, Nausicaá, France
Sander Kask, AHHAA, Estonia
Publicity Chairs :
Carine Bayeux, Nausicaá, France
Margot Bezzi, APRE, Italy
Chiara Buongiovanni, APRE, Italy
Emanuela Danè, APRE, Italy
Alessia D'Andrea, CNR, Italy
Micaela Candea, Mare Nostrum, Romania
Elena Giusta, ISPRA, Italy
Mara Gualandi, APRE, Italy
Tiziana Guzzo, CNR, Italy
Industrial Chairs :
​Niamh Flavin, SmartBay, Ireland​
Mato Knez, NanoGUNE, Spain
Xenia Schneider, XPRO, Cyprus
Local Organising Committee :
Delphine El-Khassawneh, Nausicaá, France
Iwona Gin, Nausicaá, France
Florence Huron, Nausicaá, France
Fabien Jandau, Nausicaá, France
Programme Committee :
Ali Al-Mourabit, CNRS, France
Asaf Ariel,EcoOcean, Israel
Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Elena Aristodemou, CNTI, Cyprus
Yehuda Benayahu, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Alicia Betts, Global University Network for Innovation GUNi, Spain
Noemi Biancone, CNR, Italy
Chiara Bicchielli, CNR, Italy
Carmen - Gabriela Bostan, Institute of Educational Sciences, Romania
Maria Chiara Caschera, CNR, Italy
Chiara Cavallaro, CNR, Italy
Marta Cayetano, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Alessia D’Andrea, CNR, Italy
Laurent Dufossé, Université de la Réunion, France
Arianna D’Ulizia, CNR, Italy
Jozefien De Marrée, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Ander Errasti Lopez, GISME - University of Barcelona, Spain
Cristina Escrigas, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Thomas Evensen, Research council of Norway, Norway
Anna Maria Fleetwood, Swedish Research Council, Sweden
Giuseppe Forino,T6 Ecosystems, Italy
Paulina Forma, Universytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Poland
Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway
Tiago Garcia, Eurocean, Portugal
Patrizia Grifoni, CNR, Italy
Agata Gurzawska, University Twente, The Netherlands
Tiziana Guzzo, CNR, Italy
Klaus Hadwiger, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Jesper Rohr Hansen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Hideyuki Hirakawa, Osaka University, Japan
Manfred Horvat, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Michela Insenga, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Adalheidur Jonsdottir, Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNIS, Iceland
Ewa Kocinska, Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland
Georgios Kolliarakis, University of Frankfurt/Cluster of Excellence, Germany
Olga Kot, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Martine Legris, Lille University CERAPS, France
Sophia Letsiou, APIVITA, Greece
Céline Liret, Océanopolis, France
Allison Loconto, INRA, France
Jeanne Pia Mifsud Bonnici, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Pierpaolo Mincarone, CNR, Italy
Maura Misiti, CNR, Italy
Birgitta Myrman, Swedish Research Council, Sweden
Gabriele Nardone, ISPRA, Italy
Francesco Niglia, University of Salento, Italy
Fabio Palazzo, CNR, Italy
Margus Pedaste, University of Tartu, Estonia
Marco Picone, ISPRA, Italy
Francesca Ronchi, ISPRA, Italy
Dalia Satkovskiene, Vilnius University/BASNET Forumas association, Lithuania
Kjersti Sjaatil, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
Astrid Souren, EARMA/Radboud University, Netherlands
Veronika Tamas, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary
Ruud ter Meulen, Centre for Ethics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Antonella Passani, T6 Ecosystems, Italy
Ioannis Trougakos, University of Athens, Greece
Asta Valackiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Adriana Valente, CNR, Italy
John Walls, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Miyoko Watanabe, JST, Japan
Kirstie Wild, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
Go Yoshizawa, Osaka University, Japan
Suchana Apple Chavanich, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
For any question about the conference programme, please send an e-mail to: marina.conference@gmail.com
For more information about the conference venue, please contact: marina@nausicaa.fr

The Marina Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under GA No. 710566.