International Conference on
Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society2017
Rome, Italy
September 25-26, 2017
The scientific research is more and more addressing a holistic and multidisciplinary approach in the perspective of the Responsible Research and Innovation, aiming to anticipate and assess Implications and societal expectations and to foster the design of inclusive and sustainable research and innovation.
Many researchers, European initiatives and projects in different domains and contexts already started to address Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles and themes, but in the last years a wide discussion is arising on these topics that requires to systematically share information and knowledge.
The annual conferences organised within the activities of the MARINA project (the project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under GA No. 710566) are the best occasion to reach and federate diverse targeted RRI groups and discuss with them case studies and experiences on RRI principles and themes starting from the marine domain, but not limited to it. These conferences are launched also for reinforcing the RRI community identity to be built according to the final resolution of the conference of Rome in 2014 "SIS-RRI: Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation".
The International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society (RRI-SIS2017) is the first annual conference of the MARINA project that aims at presenting the cases studies highlighting environmental preservation, RRI issues, principles and topics related with the research and innovation in the context of the H2020 societal challenges. The concept of Responsible Research and Innovation is relatively recent and it is part of the Europe 2020 strategy with the objective to promote a vision for a stronger collaboration among social, natural and physical scientists, societal actors and citizens in order to achieve a wider dimension of science and innovation and improve the role of society in environmental preservation. With this focus the conference will cover and systematise these themes and will help fill the gap in the present literature.
The conference overall aim is to establish, organise and activate a Responsible Research and Innovation community which involves scientists and societal actors working together during the whole research and innovation process with the common goals of aligning both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of the society and integrating citizens visions, needs and desires into science and innovation. Case studies and experiences will be collected and presented in the conference proceedings so providing an overview of several cases and experiences on Responsible Research and Innovation performed in several past and running projects on RRI.
The proceedings will be composed of the following sections:
Governance, Public engagement and Inclusion in the responsible R&D and Innovation process
RRI actions in science education and communication
Gender and Ethical issues in RRI initiatives
Sustainability of RRI processes