First workshop on Exploring the Application of RRI to Innovation Ecosystems
Rome, Italy
September 25-26, 2017
Call for papers
First workshop on Exploring the Application of RRI to Innovation Ecosystems
Rome 25-26 September 2017
The main reference domain is the RRI actions in science education and communication; the proposed workshop will explore the dynamic behaviour within industrial-educational-funding ecosystems.
Our objective is to explore the ways in which the application of RRI principles influence the performance of these ecosystems and their survival in the long term, given the economic and research boundaries.
The context is that of collaborative research-to-market innovation districts, which ecosystem is characterised by endogenous components and adaptive capabilities that allow the emergence of innovation and applied research via dynamic developmental processes. Explanation of innovation and evolution tend to attribute to collective patterns (knowledge, structures, and behaviours) a predominant role as main mechanism accounting the different typologies of collaboration among stakeholders, often overshadowing the influence of the development and sustainability in the process.
From a holistic point of view, a real innovation ecosystem can be also identified by economic and social boundaries; and the actors therein operating are universities, research centres, firms, markets, industrial clusters that are embedded in regional and national innovation systems. An emerging approach identifies these kind of innovation system as a “smart distributed entity - SDE” characterised by the flow of both researchers and citizens on which the innovation impacts. SDE require business integrated services and long term sustainability that leverages on the quality of research and the global acceptance, whilst their governance requires tools enabling the sharing of targets between policy makers, innovation and growth strategies and monitoring.
The flavour / general idea of this thematic workshop is that these advances can significantly enhance explanation of dynamic socio-economic phenomena within which build an appropriate framework able to analyse the evolution of the impact on and the engagement of people in the whole innovation supply chain.
The proposed workshop “Exploring the Application of RRI to Innovation Ecosystems” is well placed in the wide context of the RRI application, as the analysis of evolution and sustainability drivers for a SDE, which innovation impacts on citizens, shall take into account a network of policy makers, a task force of researchers and developers sharing targets of sustainability and improved acceptance of procedures and outputs to public.
Defining the innovation process, from its ideation to application, within such ecosystems considers not only the nested interactions that the stakeholders ‘as wholes’ maintain within their environment, but also the internal interactions, evolutions and behaviours that each actor/stakeholder integrates from structural reconfiguration prompted by endogenous, environmental and social factors.
This last consideration introduces a second aspect of the proposed workshop: the exploration of patterns of self-transformation changes and evolutions, able to break down the interaction structures that support the ‘older’ innovation processes by introducing innovative elements related to social, ethical and global awareness domains.
We invite empirical and methodological contributions focusing on the adoption of one or more pillars of RRI perspective to contribute to the definition of guidelines for the application of RRI in innovation ecosystems that include citizens and the territory. The adoption of RRI principles can significantly enhance the explanation of dynamic phenomena such as organizational capabilities and routines, strategic behaviour, entrepreneurship, organizational learning, and innovation.
List of topics:
Original Best Practices of application of one or more of RRI pillars (public engagement, science education, ethics, open access, gender) in an Innovation Ecosystem and its communication to the public via courses or events.
Methods and examples of research, businesses and organisations (both for-profit and non-profit) creating synergies in new strategies, products, services and concepts that provide answers to ethic and gender issues.
Contributions on how the RRI approach affects the development and implementation of policies targeting the dynamics of innovation systems are also welcome.
Preliminary schedule
The proposed workshop will last approximately 4hours. We expect to discuss around 10 contributions, with Q&A session and a closing remark. We will adopt the policy of self-contribution of 4 speeches among the organizing committee and 6 brief presentations selected through a specific call for contribution.
The call will be disseminated through social networking (linkedin groups, twitter, facebook) and newsletters channels (research projects, international initiatives, the complexity education project webportal).
The speakers selected will be asked to produce a 10-15slide presentation for the talk. The whole proceedings will be included into a Meeting Report to be shared with the main conference organisation.
Paper Submission
Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the Easychair system.
The submitted paper should be at most 8 single-space printed pages. Please use the following templates to generate your PDF: MS Word.
The Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag (pending approval)
Paper submission is available online via: EasyChair
The paper submission site can be found at the page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=earri17
Important Dates
A two-stage selection process will be adopted and will follow a double quality check by the organisers:
15th June 2017. A first stage will check a 1-page description about the relevance of the contributors’ talk with the main theme of the workshop
15th July 2017. The second stage will ask for a full paper of 7-8 pages by July 15th. The papers will be reviewed by at least two organisers, only papers accepted / with minor corrections will be selected.
10th September 2017. Preparation of a 10-15slide presentation for the talk.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Rome, Italy
Organising Committee
University of Salento (Italy)
Prof. Angelo Corallo
Eng. Francesco Niglia
Link Campus University (Italy)
Prof. Carlo Maria Medaglia
PhD. Valentina Volpi
University of Leuven
Prof. dr. Peggy Valcke
PhD. Natalie Bertels