RRI-SIS2017 Registration
The Registration to the Conference is mandatory for at least one of the authors of each accepted paper by the firm deadline of August 10, 2017 for managing the publication.
You are kindly requested to pay attention to select the title, as received by the submission site https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rrisis2017 after the paper submission process.
The Registration fee (180 Euros) allows having the accepted paper included in the published Conference Proceedings, attending the Sessions and RRI-SIS2017 Event (conference and workshop), receiving a copy of Proceedings (containing the author's paper), Lunches, Refreshments. The Social dinner needs to be paid in addition (35 Euros).
You can do the payment by Credit Card or Wire Transfer. For participants who want to pay by Bank Wire Transfer, please send your payment As Soon As Possible as it takes some time to process the payment to the IBAN: IT17M0316901600CC0011554053 addressed to Emanuela Peres. Your payment should be received by us on or before September 20, 2017. Bank Wire Transfer and other related fees have to be paid by the registrant (please verify carefully during the Wire Transfer payment that all costs are charged to you). Failure to pay the required amount on this date will result in the exclusion of the paper(s) from the Conference Proceedings.
For who is not an author and is interested to attend the RRI-SIS2017 conference, the Paid Registration is mandatory to be enabled to attend the Sessions and the Conference events (Lunches, Coffee Breaks).
The payment of the registration fees covers admittance to all sessions of the entire RRI-SIS2017 Event (conference and workshop), a copy of Proceedings (containing the author's paper), Lunches, Refreshments. The Social dinner needs to be paid in addition (35 Euros).
Registration for students without paper presentation the registration fee is 100 Euros.
You can do the payment by Credit Card or Wire Transfer. For participants who want to pay by Bank Wire Transfer, please send your payment As Soon As Possible as it takes some time to process the payment to the IBAN: IT17M0316901600CC0011554053 addressed to Emanuela Peres. Your payment should be received by us on or before September 20, 2017. Bank Wire Transfer and other related fees have to be paid by the registrant (please verify carefully during the Wire Transfer payment that all costs are charged to you). Failure to pay the required amount on this date will result in the exclusion of the paper(s) from the Conference Proceedings.
Please follow the instructions herein described:
For registering to the conference, you must fill in the Registration form available below.
If you are an author of paper, you are kindly requested to pay attention to select the title, as received by the submission site https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rrisis2017 after the paper submission process.
After having completed the registration procedure, you must proceed with the Payment using the link available after submitting the registration form.